
New project

We are interested in continuing our work about Counselling in LongLife Learning.

Some new project topics:
  • Definition of counselling for Lifelong Learning
  • Intercultural education
  • Study of Migrants phenomenom
  • Partners agree that guidance for Lifelong Learning is an emerging institute which is connecting formal and non-formal education.
  • On the basis of good practice carried out by partner institutions, we have focused on education of migrants.
  • This orientation is also based on the study of the non-formal education systems of the pàrtner countries taking in account the changing situation in the structure of the population (priority being migrants).
  • The situation is more complex nowadays. According to our findings and experience gained during the project realization it is necessary to create a classification of consulting and educational services, in different European region, laiyng stress on migrants.
  • This idea was verified in long-term experience with our foreign partners, not only in the framework of Grundtvig Partnership, f.e.p Euroguidance Prague and Wien, EVBB – Europäischer Verein der Bildungsträger, National Agentur für lebenslanges Lernen Wien.

If your institution is interested in collaborate and join to new project, please contact us.